Person of Interest Risk Assessment and Profiling Course
A tailored and specialized 3 day course to empower in-house protective intel analysts to assess the true desire and risk from persons of interest to harm protectees.
The protective intel analyst (PIA) will learn how to examine POIs utilizing methodologies as used in criminology and psychology. These will guide the PIA to gain a deep familiarization with the POI, possible motives, level of stability, history of offenses, etc.
This will greatly contribute to a risk based protective approach by providing the PIA a quantifiable understanding regarding the predictability of a POI as pertains to protectees and thus to provide an accurate risk assessment to the protective organisation..
To understand the significance and value of risk profiling
To understand what information is required for effective risk profiling
To gain the skills required to conduct effective risk profiling
The Instructor
Dr. Sagit Yehoshua, PhD, Criminology
Person of Interest (POI) Risk Profiling and Assessment Lead
Dr. Yehoshua leads Enablement Advisors’ workplace violence and executive protection person of interest risk assessment section (POIRA).
She is a criminologist, specializing in criminal and terrorist profiling utilizing, amongst other techniques, the psychology of violent actors and terrorism to provide accurate and actionable risk assessments. Sagit was awarded her PhD, by Kings College in London, UK as a result of her thesis titled “The social-psychological profile of terrorist leaders in Israeli prisons”.
In addition to leading the department at Enablement Advisors, Sagit is a Research Fellow at the world renowned Institute of Counter-Terrorism (I.C.T.), Inter-Disciplinary Centre, Herzliya, Israel, in 2009, an Atkin Research Fellow at ICSR- International Centre for the Study of De-radicalization at King's College London, UK and currently lectures at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the Richman University in Herzliya, Israel.
Sagit has extensive experience as a consultant for official intelligence agencies, multi-national corporations and private sector risk management companies and is a recognized profiler and risk assessor of extremists in both Israel and internationally.
Sagit is a qualified NLP therapist, specializing in trauma and difficult life circumstances and a published author of academic book “Terrorist Minds: From Social-Psychological Profiling to Assessing the Risk” which is currently required reading material various academic institutions.
With years of experience as a profiler and a risk assessor of internal and external threats, Sagit and her team use customized tools, tailored to each client’s unique requirements to produce an assessment of the current risk as well as offer methods to mitigate and manage the identified risk.